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  • Summarize spoken text
  • Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Highlight correct summary
  • Multiple-choice, choose single answer
  • Select missing word
  • Highlight incorrect words
  • Write from dictation


In this section, you listen to a short lecture. You are then asked to write a summary of that lecture (50-70 words) for a fellow student who was not present at the lecture. You do two to three of these items, depending on the combination of items in your test.

Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers

In this section, you listen to a recording on an academic subject. You are then given a multiple- choice question with five to seven answer options. You choose all the correct answer options. You

do two to three of these items, depending on the combination of items in your test.

Fill in the blanks

In this section, you listen to a recording while you read a transcription of that recording. The transcription has up to seven blanks in it. As you

listen, you type in the missing words you hear. You do two to three of these items, depending on the combination of items in your test.

Section 2: Highlight correct summary

In this section, you listen to a recording. You read three to five paragraphs and select the paragraph which is the best summary of the recording. You do two to three of these items, depending on the combination of items in your test.

Multiple-choice, choose single answer

In this section, you listen to a recording on an academic subject. You are then given a multiple- choice question with three to five answer options. You choose the one correct answer option. You do two to three of these items, depending on the combination of items in your test.

Select missing word

In this section, you listen to a recording. The final word or group of words has been replaced by a beep. You are given three to five answer options. You choose the correct answer option to complete the recording. You do two to three of these items, depending on the combination of items in your test.

 Highlight incorrect words

In this section, you listen to a recording while you read a transcription of that recording. The transcription contains some errors. You click on the words in the transcription which do not match the recording.