In this task you need to read a text aloud and record it. You have 30–40 seconds to get ready. You’ll hear a short tone before you start speaking, so wait for this tone before beginning your recording. Start speaking as soon as the tone sounds, making sure to speak clearly and at a steady pace. Keep an eye on the progress bar to ensure you finish before it ends, as the status will change from “Recording” to “Completed” when you’re done. Remember, you can only record once, so make sure you’re prepared before starting. Additionally, avoid remaining silent for more than three seconds, as this will automatically stop the recording.
For this question type, you are required to repeat the sentence you hear. The audio recording will start automatically. When the audio ends, the microphone will activate, and the recording status box will display “Recording.” Begin speaking immediately, as there will be no additional signal. Accurately repeat the sentence you heard. Speak clearly and without rushing. Ensure you finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end, at which point the status will change from “Recording” to “Completed.” Remember, you can only listen to the audio once and have only one chance to record your response.

For this task, you need to explain an image. The recording status box will show a countdown until the microphone activates, giving you 25 seconds to examine the image and get ready. After the countdown, you will hear a brief tone. Begin speaking immediately after the tone, as any speech before the microphone is active will not be captured. Articulate clearly and maintain a steady pace, ensuring you finish before the progress bar completes. The status will shift from “Recording” to “Completed” when you are done. You have only one opportunity to record your explanation.
For this task, you will listen to and read a prompt describing a common situation. You will then provide a verbal response explaining what you would say in that scenario. You will have 20 seconds to think about your answer, and then 40 seconds to speak.The audio recording will start automatically. After it ends, you will have 20 seconds to prepare. The recording status box will display a countdown until the microphone activates. You will hear a brief tone. Start speaking immediately after the tone, as speaking before the microphone is active will not be recorded.Speak clearly and at a steady pace. Make sure to finish before the progress bar reaches the end. The status will change from “Recording” to “Completed” when you are done. You can only listen to the audio once, and you only have one chance to record your response.
For this task, you need to answer a question with one or a few words. The audio will start playing automatically, and you might also see an image. Once the audio finishes, the microphone will turn on, and the recording status box will display “Recording.” Begin speaking right away, as there is no additional tone. Provide your answer using one or a few words.
Speak clearly and at a steady pace. Ensure you finish before the progress bar completes. The status will change from “Recording” to “Completed” when you are done.
You cannot replay the audio and only have one chance to record your responses